Sunday, 10 April 2016

Sunday April 10

Sunny with a brisk and rather cold south-easterly breeze.

Dave and I took a route through the village this morning, noting two pairs of Tufted Ducks on the pond owned by the newly created Clouse Wood Farm and hearing the Blackcap at the corner of Bannams Wood.

In fact, by the time we reached the pool it was shaping up to be a pretty dull visit. A Little Grebe on the pool, female Wheatear distantly on the ploughed field behind the pool, and Little Owl in the tree at the flash field were all useful catch-up birds for Dave, but I had to wait until I scanned the nearest flash before I could add a year-tick.

This came in the form of a pair of Little Ringed Plovers, which in the context of the visit rather saved the day.

The male Little Ringed Plover
One was a little less sharply marked than the other, indicating that they were male and female. Not unexpected, in fact rather late, but well appreciated none the less. The other occupants were four Green Sandpipers, 13 Teal, two Redshanks, and two Starlings.

A single Swallow was flying around, and as I left I noticed it was perched on wires at Church Farm. Presumably it was hoping its mate will soon make it back from South Africa.

So it was a little bit quiet today as spring creeps slowly on.

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