A sunny morning with only a very light south-westerly. Dave joined me and quickly picked up an adult Hobby as it flew over the Netherstead dragonfly ponds.
As far as birds are concerned we never quite beat this sighting, although the Swift gathering continues to impress. The largest count we got raised the site record to 145. An adult Little Grebe was on the pool and I may have had a brief view of a juvenile before it disappeared. At the flash pools there were at least five Green Sandpipers and a Little Ringed Plover.
Green Sandpipers and Pied Wagtails keeping their feet dry |
New insects for the year were several Small Skippers, while Marbled Whites are now flying in good numbers, Dave logging 28 as we walked round.
Small Skipper |
There were also loads of dragonflies on the wing, with increases in numbers of Emperors, Four-spotted Chasers, and Black-tailed Skimmers.
A female Black-tailed Skimmer |
A male Black-tailed Skimmer |
Four-spotted Chaser |
I flushed a small moth and tried to photograph it. The trouble with moths in the daytime is that they only ever want to be on the shady side of the leaf/grass stem. So you end up with photos like this one.
After considerable time I managed a fuzzy photograph which at least enabled me to identify it.
Udea lutealis |
Dead common apparently.
Fox cub |
Just dead.
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