The mist which accompanied me to Netherstead dissipated within five minutes of my getting out of the car leaving a sunny day with a very light breeze.
The best bird today was a Reed Warbler which showed occasionally along a hedge before posing briefly on top.
Reed Warbler |
While I was waiting for the warbler to reappear, a Whinchat flew from the same hedge. Later on I found another Reed Warbler near the small pond 200 metres away, and another Whinchat in the Chat field. A Peregrine flew from a pylon and headed for Bannams Wood.
The watery areas were very poor, just 22 Teal, 21 Lapwings, one Green Sandpiper, one Common Sandpiper, and eight Snipe.
A Painted Lady showed well in the weedy field.
Painted Lady |
Finally, back at the Dragonfly Ponds I got good views of two Migrant Hawkers, my first this year.
Migrant Hawker |
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