A sunny start with cloud increasing during the morning. A very light south-westerly breeze.
I got off to a good start, spotting an adult Peregrine on a distant pylon, and then a Common Blue butterfly near where I had parked the car. Things got better when I noticed a Red Kite drifting overhead.
Red Kite |
By good fortune Dave arrived while it was still in sight, and so also saw it. We then headed for the road where a singing Lesser Whitethroat was actually visible for a change, albeit rather silhouetted.
Lesser Whitethroat |
I was fortunate to press the shutter just as it lunged for a passing insect.
We returned to our usual circuit past a singing Sedge Warbler at the main reedbed, and on to the small pond where I was very pleased to hear and then see my first
Reed Warbler here of the year. As the main reedbed gets drier every year the chances of recording this species are likely to decrease.
Moving on to the pool and flashes we were pleased to see a well-grown Lapwing chick, and a Snipe. Dave spotted what was probably the Little Owl when I flushed it without noticing the bird at all. I was probably looking at my feet for insects.
We spotted a late female Orange Tip, numerous Small Heaths, a couple of female Common Blue Damselflies, and a Roller (unfortunately the moth not the bird). I promise not to make this joke again.
Female Common Blue Damselfly |
Common Roller |
Timothy Tortrix Aphelia paleana |
A sawfly called Tenthredopsis nassata |
Thought to be a Dock Bug |
I have now added captions to the insects, and appreciate the help of Mike Southall with regard to the excellently named Timothy Tortrix. Presumably the plant, Timothy, grows somewhere on the patch.
One tricky to identify bird was fortunately singing its head off, so was quite easy.
Chiffchaff |
My next visit will be in June, just in time for the summer slumber. There will be plenty of insects, but not too many birds.
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