A stroll around with Richard B in grey, slightly misty, conditions and a cold easterly breeze proved pleasantly productive.
A Peregrine was seen heading off into the mist at Netherstead, and a few minutes later it, or another, was seen on a pylon.
Peregrine |
About 80 Redwings and 20 Fieldfares kept us entertained until we reached the Flash field where several Wigeon could be seen with Teal hiding behind clumps of rush. They were soon in flight, and we counted 13 birds as they kept reappearing, impatient for us to move on.
All but one of the Wigeon |
The walk back took in a pair of Marsh Tits, they have been scarce lately and it were a tick for Richard. The highlight came as we walked past the shed Stapenhill Wood. Our chatting was loud enough to awaken and flush a Barn Owl which had been roosting therein. Good views, but it was gone before I could even think of using the camera. It hasn't been roosting in there all year, so I had not approached the shed with sufficient wariness.
I'll bet you it'll be absent on Sunday.
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