Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wednesday June 26

 After a fruitless twitch to Haselor Scrapes yesterday afternoon  (early morning Dunlin and Redshank), I was keen to see whether Morton Bagot had attracted any waders.

By the time I got there the sun was beating down but there still seemed to be a reasonable amount of water and wet mud. I quickly realised that a pair of Avocets had reappeared after a month long absence, but couldn't see much else. The reason for this became apparent when I reached the Kingfisher Pool. A flock of Green Sandpipers was resting on the tiny island there. 

Six of the nine Green Sandpipers

The total of Green Sandpipers was at least nine. I was also pleased to see that there were actually five advanced juvenile Lapwings on the nearest flash, comprising a brood of two and a brood of three.

A walk up into Bannams Wood produced the usual breeding birds, including Spotted Flycatcher, Marsh Tit, and Red Kite. Most were only heard, but one or two recently fledged juveniles were too naive to hide.

Baby Song Thrush on the path

Recently fledged Wren

It was arguably too warm for comfortable insect watching, but I did notice a Brimstone Moth, which seems to be my first here, and several Marbled White butterflies.

Marbled White

The really good news is that the Blogspot glitch which was preventing me from uploading photos has been resolved, so I'm up and running once more.

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