Mostly cloudy with some sunny intervals and a moderate to fresh westerly. It was what I call a fluffy cloud day, which usually means lots of large gulls drifting over and no migrants.
By the time I left I had seen about 20 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, and a Whinchat (maybe two).
A juvenile Sedge Warbler showed well, briefly, and other summer migrants comprised a few Chiffchaffs, two Whitethroats, and a Blackcap. Meanwhile the melancholy calls of young Buzzards echoed across the landscape, I always feel a bit sorry for these birds which have discovered that life beyond the nest is pretty tough.
Juvenile Buzzard |
I had hoped that the water-level might have dropped a bit at the flash pools, but it looked pretty similar to last time. Five Green Sandpipers, 35 Lapwings, and 12 Teal told a story of a pretty static situation.
Lapwings |
The flock of Goldfinches has reached about 100, while Greenfinches totalled just 11. On days such as this you find yourself thinking it only takes one bird to turn it around.
Not a racing pigeon |
Well I can't see a ring on it. Tick!
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