Tuesday 9 March 2021

Tuesday March 9 - the calm before the storm

 Today seemed likely to be the last chance to get out before the stormy weather which is due tomorrow, so I headed for the patch.

My main target was Chiffchaff. Just about every birder I know seems to have seen one this year, so the apparent blank at Morton Bagot was a bit galling. Anyway, I didn't have to wait long as a calling Chiffchaff appeared briefly in the plantation opposite the beehives. and later another was fly-catching from the hedge behind the nearest flash. Unfortunately neither was singing and there was no photographic opportunity.


A male Chaffinch was more obliging.

I headed towards the flash field, observing that the pool has shrunken back to puddle status. A single Grey Heron would have been underwater last month.

Grey Heron

A handful of Teal did flush from the dregs, and headed for the flash field. The final count there was 22 Teal, seven Mallard, two Shelducks, a Snipe, and four Lapwings.

HOEF volunteers were working in the ridge field, and I wondered whether they too looked up on hearing a croaking Raven, as I did. Should they have done so they may have seen that it was mobbing a Red Kite. From my position by Morton Brook the aerial activity took place high above me and in the direction of the sun which was still shining through the clouds.

Red Kite (a heavily cropped image)

This was my first here this year, but I did see one over my house about a month ago which rather spoils its credentials as a sign of spring.

I'll be battening down the hatches until the weekend.

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