Sunday 8 September 2024

Sunday September 8 - Morton Bagot

 Today was a little bit of a frustrating visit to the patch. It started well enough in calm cloudy conditions as I located the Black Redstart immediately on arrival at the church. I took a couple of distant shots while I waited for Dave to arrive.

Cropped image taken before I zoomed in

Blast !

The above shot rather set the tone. Just after Dave arrived I heard a Yellow Wagtail call twice as it flew over (going north!) I shouted to Dave but he didn't hear it well enough.

We made our way down the Millennium Way and located two Whinchats in the distance, and a Falcon on the even more distant pylons. We eventually established that this was just a Peregrine

Then the heavens opened and for the next hour we got absolutely soaked while sought refuge under various bushes and later the trees overlooking the nearest flash.

Good weather for ducks

We eventually counted 68 Teal, four Green Sandpipers, three Snipe and six Shovelers, (the latter all being on the furthest flash). Three Stonechats were perched on the tree-guards.

Eventually the rain stopped and the sun came out. But our trials were not over. We could see a distant blob on some telephone wires. It was too far away for the camera, so I had to erect my scope, half expecting I would be looking at some finch. But it was a Pipit. We obviously wanted it to be a Tree Pipit, and it was certainly pumping its tail encouragingly. We moved closer, but never got close enough before it flew away.

It felt like we had missed out today.

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