Tuesday 10 September 2024

Tuesday September 10 - Earlswood Lakes (and Black Red update)

 I must admit that the strength of the wind put me off going to Morton Bagot today, so I don't know whether the Black Redstart is still there. However, it was certainly seen yesterday and I thank Mike Wakeman and Gert Corfield for letting me know and allowing me to use Gert's shot taken in bright sunlight.

Black Redstart on Monday - Gert Corfield

As for today, my visit to Earlswood failed to add anything new to their recent good run. 

However I did see a Hobby chasing hirundines, which included at least five Sand Martins, over Engine Pool. A walk the length of Windmill Pool added a Little Egret, a Shoveler, and three Teal to the visit list.

The weather has switched from easterly and interesting to north-westerly and dull, but as always in birding you should never write your chances off.

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