Thursday 5 September 2024

Thursday September 5 - Black Redstart still present

Sleepy old Morton Bagot has been the centre of birding attention over the last couple of days. Unfortunately I couldn't get there on Wednesday, but Mike Holley was one of several birders who could.

He kindly updated me with news of the continued presence of the Black Redstart on the church and surrounding buildings, and he also competed a circuit of the wider patch seeing a Whinchat, three Stonechats, eight Green Sandpipers, and two Little Egrets.

Black Redstart - Mike Holley

Whinchat - Mike Holley

This morning I was able to go, although the weather had taken a turn for the worse. It remained cloudy with a northerly breeze and even some drizzle.

I connected with the Black Redstart straight away, this time on the church, and was able to point it out to a birder from Evesham, Peter.

I then set off on a brief circuit down to the flash field. The wind increased, and its northerly direction might have been the reason I only saw two Green Sandpipers and two Snipe. On the plus side there were even more Teal present, with 59 on the nearest flash and about 20 on the furthest. Unfortunately there was some movement between the two, so I can't be sure of the final count. Also present were at least 19 Lapwings and two Shovelers.

Hirundines were moving. I counted 39 House Martins and a few Swallows, before later seeing another flock of the former when I returned to the church. By then, late morning, Francis and Richard Peplow were present and another birder arrived, but the Black Redstart had disappeared.

I hope they saw it after I left.......and indeed they did.

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