Saturday 8 February 2020

Saturday February 8

Back on the patch to experience the calm before the storm. Sunny intervals and a light south-westerly.

The calm related both to the weather and to the birds. At least one Peregrine and a male Stonechat were in evidence, and I counted 204 Redwings and 21 Fieldfares mostly in the paddocks at Netherstead.

I bumped into Mark Islip who was escaping a disruptive event at his Arrow Valley Lake patch. He had seen the Tawny Owl, and had flushed a Jack Snipe, and a few Common Snipe from the marsh.

We proceeded to the flash field. It contained a pair of Wigeon, six Teal, a pair of Shelducks, and eventually 23 Greylag Geese, a Grey Heron, and 25 Lapwings, all of which flew in while we were there.

After we parted company I ambled back along Morton Brook to Stapenhill Wood, where I saw a couple of Siskins, a Marsh Tit, and several displaying Buzzards, and Ravens.

Common Buzzard
Its that time of year.

PS Someone has kindly let me know that they flushed eight Jack Snipe and a Snipe from the Marsh. See comments.


  1. 8 Jack Snipe and 1 Common Snipe on marsh late this afternoon. Also 30 Meadow Pipit, Raven, Kestrel, 2 Reed Bunting, couple of Skylark and 30+ Redwing in surrounding fields.
