Sunday 16 October 2022

Sunday October 16 - Morton Bagot

 A sunny morning with barely a breathe of wind. Ideal for getting the camera out, but the rarities stayed away. I should have gone to Grimley perhaps (a Wryneck was photographed there this morning.)

Anyway, Dave and I spent the morning at Morton Bagot counting at least six Stonechats and the usual Meadow Pipits, Skylarks, and other common early autumn fodder.


Meadow Pipits

The blueness of the sky made small birds passing overhead almost invisible, although I did get onto a Siskin by randomly scanning above me as it flew south calling.

The lack of water is continuing to disappoint. We manage one Snipe and one Green Sandpiper on the nearest flash. The local waterfowl are having to resort to desperate measures. Two Teal were disturbed from the garden pond at the end of the access road, and a Grey Heron continues to stalk prey in the weedy field, no doubt hoping to catch a vole or mouse.

Grey Heron

We ended up scanning the blooming ivy in the hedgerows, sifting through loads of Honey Bees and Wasps in the hope of seeing an Ivy Bee. I managed just one.

I'm hoping that by this time next week the main arrival of Redwings will be underway.

1 comment:

  1. Unless you'd been stood next to Ian Byrnes when he took the photo I doubt you'd have seen it 😔
