Sunday 6 October 2024

Sunday October 6 - Morton Bagot

 A cloudy morning with a little drizzle from time to time and a very light south-easterly.

I was joined by Dave, fresh from a holiday on Scilly, so it was probably down to earth with a bump for him. Tony was also on site ringing, and had caught a Treecreeper before we reached him.

As for us, it wasn't too bad. At least 65 Teal were on the nearest flash along with a single Green Sandpiper. We had earlier flushed about a dozen Snipe from the scrape field, and I suspect they were now on the flash field although we could only see one.

Also present in the scrape field were a pair of Stonechats, about 20 Meadow Pipits, and about 10 Linnets. We regularly saw Jays all morning, and at least four Kestrels

It wasn't the ideal weather for taking photographs, but the fact they are on display at least means that the blog is still working as it should.

We saved the best till last as five Swallows and 22 Redwings flew over. The largest flock of the latter were accompanied by a single finch or bunting, but they were too far away to give us a chance of identifying it.

Tony's results for the weekend were as follows:

Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
Blue Tit 47 (25)
Great Tit 13 (9)
Long-tailed Tit 3
Goldcrest 3
Treecreeper 2
Chiffchaff 5
Blackcap 5
Robin 2 (1)
Dunnock 3
Wren 2
Meadow Pipit 27
Chaffinch 2
Greenfinch 20
Goldfinch 8
Reed Bunting 4

Reed Bunting  - Tony Kelly

For the next few weeks one might expect loads of Scandinavian migrants to be darkening the skies. It's an exciting time of year.

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