Thursday 17 October 2024

Thursday October 17 - Morton Bagot

 I was up at the crack of dawn this morning and went straight to Morton Bagot, having had to miss out on Sunday.

The early start meant that I was in the right place at the right time to watch the visible migration of over 200 Redwings, a similar number of Woodpigeons, and 80 Starlings all headed south-west or west. I know it doesn't sound particularly exciting, but I find the spectacle thrilling to watch.

Also present in enhanced numbers were Reed Buntings, Goldfinches, and Song Thrushes. At least four Stonechats were present, along with two Green Sandpipers, 18 Teal, and 11 Snipe.


Kingfisher with tiny fish

Meadow Pipit

There was nothing particularly unusual on offer, with the possible exception of two Peregines vocally disputing possession of a pylon.

The good news is that Lyn's operation was successful, but she is currently being monitored in hospital. When she comes out I anticipate that this blog will fall silent for a while as she'll need lots of t l c.

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